ASK #019 - We are Told by the Apostle Paul...

 written:  February 20, 2022


We are told by the Apostle Paul......


Ephesians 4:15

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.  From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love,  as each part does its work. 


So will a husband and wife support one another and do their part in the relationship.  And God places special people in our lives to do so.  I am super blessed to have married my best friend  MT Clark on January 1st, 2022.


So I want to tell you all how much I love and appreciate  my husband.  I am beyond ecstatic  that God has brought him to me.   There is no sin in bragging about our spouse, right?! 


1 Thessalonians 5:11

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.  


MT you are a strong and courageous  man of God.  I am honored to have you to be my spiritual  leader in this thing called life. I am beyond blessed to have come to know you, your friends and family.  I look forward to years of love, health and growth ahead of us.   


When things seem to be falling down and changing all around me I have you to help me and be my calm  and remind me I am a child of God and loved by Him (and you)  Thank you for your encouragement and endless love.  


You have blessed my life in so many ways...from buying a much "needed" microwave and dryer for my household...helping with everyday more significant things like loving me, praying for me, holding me, and being present.


I have enjoyed every moment we've spent together and look forward to many more adventures together. Thank you for spending time with me. Your care and attentiveness mean the world to me!


Thank you so much for all the little things you do to make my life easier. The fact that you're always willing to share in those tasks is one of the many wonderful things about you that always makes me count myself blessed for having you in my life. I love you and don't ever forget that!!!


So where does that leave the rest of us you ask?

  Maybe you are not in the same place as I am right now.  It took me many, many years to get to where I am and God had to mold, shape and bend me to create who I am today.

Remember God puts people in our lives to show and share God’s love.  God is always with us and He loves us unconditionally.  

He will never leave nor forsake us.  

So no matter if you are happily married, or seeking after that earthly partner…God is with you.

If you are in a not so good marriage or relationship…remember  God is with you.

If you are single…remember God is with you.

God has a specific plan and purpose for each and everyone of us. 


For some we are to be married…for others we are to live the single life.  

Whatever our purpose here on earth is we need to remember to always look to our Heavenly Father and request His will be done with our lives.

  Whenever we are asking, seeking and knocking God WILL answer.  But remember God will only answer when and how it will fulfill His purpose and plan.

So keep asking, seeking and knocking…God will open and close the doors in your life.


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